Saturday, February 22, 2020

The new 4Ps for Dasani water Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The new 4Ps for Dasani water - Research Paper Example This paper illustrates that Coca-Cola Company has increased the number of people taking part in the marketing ecosystem of dasani water as the market continues to become more complicated. For instance, its marketing involves the incorporation of Coca-Cola contact center, customers, and field marketing. Workers and other participants in different departments including finance and market research come together to assess marketing solutions for dasani water. Â  Participants are responsible for establishing how to appropriately align individuals and support teamwork across its marketing environment. Additionally, dasani marketers have to deeply understand the lives of consumers before determining their preferences. Â  After aligning people for teamwork and information sharing, the company documents and automates the processes thereby creating an effective coalition. As the market becomes more complicated, process becomes essential in aligning the correct individuals with the appropriat e marketing activities. This would assist in performing close-loop marketing speedily while penetrating new markets. When marketing dasani water, the company employs state-of-the–art marketing ideas by establishment the correct set of processes to control the activities involved. Some of the processes used in marketing the product include execution, operational and analytical processes. During the execution phase, Coca-Cola Company uses both outbound marketing and inbound marketing to introduce this brand into new markets. Â  Dasani is also being marketed digitally through social media.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Virture according to Aristotle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Virture according to Aristotle - Essay Example These components are a person’s passion, faculty and state of character. However, amongst the 3 components, Aristotle has only identified moral virtues with the state of character. The state of character can be believed as complex inclinations or personalities to behave and feel in certain ways under certain conditions (Payne). A person’s appetite can be linked to his desire. The higher his appetite or desire, the more he would likened to be aiming for that goal or vision. This is the reversely proportional to a person with a lower appetite (Aristotle & Ross, p. 20-21). A person can be said that he is born with the potential of being morally virtuous. But for that person to be one, he should be trained on doing what is right to be truly virtuous even as an adult. Virtue is learned by constant practice and not just simply keeping it in mind. It should be shown to others rather than be kept in one’s head (Aristotle & Ross, p. 20-21). Virtue is a person’s disposition to perform the right way. In practical circumstance, there is an absence of rules. Right conduct can only be witnessed in some sort of mean in extremes which are deficiencies and excess. Between the feelings of fear and confidence, courage is the mean of the two. Aristotle stated that: â€Å"Of the people who exceed, he who exceeds in fearlessness has no name (many of the states has no name), while the man who exceeds in confidence is rash, and he who exceeds in fear and falls short in confidence is courage† (Aristotle & Ross, p. 28). Vices according to Aristotle are the bad characters of a person (IEP.Com). It can be concluded that virtues and vices are connected with the same things. They are being driven by the same factors. Virtue is the positive effects of these factors while the vice is the negative